[a photo of some notes I had, regarding some 'dimensional being insights' of mine... as of 7/29/20, at 9:46 AM... near the stairwell, of my former apartment... Updates have been made, since then... see: 

[PROOF OF ADDRESS (8342 DELCREST DR., UNIVERSITY CITY, MO 63124), as of 9/21/20 at 9:22 AM ( & &


Michael Izuchukwu (@micolostud1) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos]

NOTE: This blog is dedicated to the hours of 6 AM to 7 AM; posting at other times, is at my discretion... 




5:03 PM (3/13/22): 

"Given I have not seen my middle brother, JJ, since late 2018 (basically 4 years, as of this Fall)... I am beginning to suspect, that he may be less relatable now... than he was then..." - Michael Izuchukwu
TEXT WITH JJ (3/10/22 - 3/13/22) (


2:48 PM (3/13/22): "Video footage from yesterday, when the weather was snowy..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Discussing my insights on Blaise Pascal's Wager - YouTube


12:40 PM (3/13/22): 
"Indeed, Car Woman... Some pizzas have better textures and flavoring, than others..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


12:39 PM (3/13/22): 

"Juicy..." - Car Woman



12:35 PM (3/13/22): 

 "A pepperoni and sausage pizza portion (accompanied by Sprite), from sometime in the summer of 2020 (at my former apartment)... I have not eaten pizza in this way, for quite some time.... although my dietary efficiency has substantially improved, since those days..." - Michael Izuchukwu


12:30 PM (3/13/22): "Had quite the nap this Sunday ('the Day of Rest')... and started thinking about the basis of what gives life, significance... and the things which have 'intrinsic value'... Perhaps that is what, should be striven for... as opposed to that, which is less enduring..." - Michael Izuchukwu


6:43 AM (3/13/22): "Interesting video, of someone thinking... by the cliffs... Introspection is often necessary, to reach new plateaus..." - Michael Izuchukwu


6:35 AM (3/13/22):

"Breakfast this morning... Sufficient..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(photo from 6:28 AM, today)


6:17 AM (3/13/22):
"Some devices are tools to build, or weapons... to destroy... I see the mind as a tool, for the navigation and processing... of our world... We know not if there are comparable tools, in existence... but consciousness is only possible... due to the brains humans have, which are the minds' vehicles..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Inception 2010 Cobb confesses to Mal his guilt of creating an inception on her! - YouTube 


6:10 AM (3/13/22):

"Personally, responses like this from my middle brother, JJ... attest to his duplicitous nature... given that he is no stranger to prank calls, which I surmise is an aspect of his activities... regarding YouTube video voiceovers and voice acting..." - Michael Izuchukwu
TEXT WITH JJ (3/10/22 - 3/12/22) ( 


5:50 PM (3/12/22): 

“It is no measure of intellect, to be well adjusted to the delusions… of despair…”- Michael Izuchukwu 


5:48 PM (3/12/22): 

 "Agreed..." - Shades Woman


5:46 PM (3/12/22):

"A nice set of tunes, I find catchy..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Sickick - Official SickMix Part 2 - YouTube 


2:16 PM (3/12/22): "I saw the film 'Salt,' in 2010 or so... I had been hopeful that they would make a sequel... 'Salt 2,' that is..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Salt 2010 - chasing - YouTube 

91. "Interesting scene, from the 2002 film 'Spiderman'... Sometimes, 'remakes' to certain movies... do not capture the essence,' of the original counterparts..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Spiderman Ending - YouTube


2:04 PM (3/12/22): 

"Catchy song, that I listened to quite a bit... in 2018..." - Michael Izuchukwu
John Mayer - Bigger Than My Body (Official Music Video) - YouTube (1:43-2:33 is my favorite part)


9:35 AM (3/12/22): "A text to my brother, JJ, from not too long ago..." - Michael Izuchukwu

TEXT WITH JJ (3/10/22 - 3/12/22) (


6:58 AM (3/12/22):

"Regarding my aforementioned commentary about certain countries on Earth, that may be curious about city construction on Mars (by the year 2100)... such is not necessarily a stretch of the imagination, if one examines life in the year 1900... compared to 2000 (in America, for instance... given such is like a microcosm, of the world)... A juxtaposition of year 2000 with 2100, is something that intrigues me..." - Michael Izuchukwu
China lands its Zhurong rover on Mars - BBC News - YouTube &

The 4th Dimension - YouTube (0:21-1:12)


6:50 AM (3/12/22): "In the animated film 'Mulan'... Mulan becomes a Chinese soldier, by taking her father's place... regarding enlistment... Due to her bravery, countless lives are saved... from the invasion, by the Hun (Xiongnu) people)... ...such attests to the fact, that one's spiritual fortification... can upset the odds, that may be against oneself... in certain undertakings..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Mulan final scene - YouTube 


6:44 AM (3/12/22): 
"Every human is like a vector, with magnitude and direction... I think of this concept, as a parallel for someone with a certain strength... and destination (where he/she is ultimately heading)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Quotes of the day - Richard Feynman - YouTube 


6:32 AM (3/12/22):
"Interesting studio performance, by the band 'Phantogram'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Phantogram - Mouthful of Diamonds (Live on KEXP) - YouTube


6:26 AM (3/12/22):

"I had an orange for breakfast, today...  Quite energizing..." - Michael Izuchukwu


7:30 PM (3/11/22): 
"Interesting documentary on miracles, and God's mysterious ways... I suspect the Latino dude in the red shirt, only survived a 47-story fall... because of not only his spiritual fortification (and faith in God), but because of his form... which may have been a factor, that may have 'mitigated' the net 'turmoil/pain' that comprised his sensations... prior to being in a coma, for approximately 3 weeks..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The Power of Miracles (Full Episode) | The Story of God with Morgan Freeman - YouTube (0:00-14:29)

7:34 PM (3/11/22): 
"Given that most people may not survive a 10-story fall (as pinpointed in the video), one can infer that the man's proportions... functioned like a 'cushioning mechanism'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


6:23 PM (3/11/22):

"Very peaceful yoga video... Personally, I believe that the available pathways to heaven... are limited... There are not many keys, that open that door... but I would reckon that mastery of one's spatial awareness and 'spiritual chi'... is instrumental, for such... The odds of being transported to heaven by Jesus Christ (who performs the function of God, in the spirit realm), via the 'defiance of spacetime'... to me, is greater than the odds for such... if one were to speculate that heaven is in another solar system, of our galaxy..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Yoga Training Beautiful girls I Contortion Flexibility. - YouTube &


6:09 PM (3/11/22):

"I decided to acquire a meal (dinner) from the 'NJ Gourmet,' for the second time... this week... Delicious, and nutritious... The female server there, insisted I get some rice... so I did, reluctantly... Nevertheless, the first time I went there... my taste buds thought the food was better, than the second time around... even though my orders were basically, identical..." - Michael Izuchukwu


4:44 PM (3/11/22):
"A nice song, that I first encountered... during my days at Rice University..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

Metric - Help I'm Alive - YouTube


3:50 PM (3/11/22): "I got my third and final COVID-19 booster shot, yesterday..." - Michael Izuchukwu


"Cool song, on repeat..." - Michael Izuchukwu

øfdream - thelema slowed & bass boosted long versoin - YouTube 


3:16 PM (3/11/22): "There is the question of whether or not humans were intended, to live on worlds... other than Earth... in the context of this planet, providing the natural ecosystems... for Earthlings, and the 8.7 million other species... of plants and animals, on such... ...If humans were to live on Mars, for instance... at some stage, some would seek to construct cities... but then there is the question, of who would occupy them... and what issues could arise, regarding laws... on a planet, other than Earth... assuming various countries, made their mark on that world... perhaps by the year 2100..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:28 PM (3/11/22): "Then again, one wonders how the materials for construction... would be transported to Mars, and whether or not... such is fiscally responsible... Humans should not lose sight of the fact, that in our solar system... Earth is the only home, we have flourished on... for long..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Ofdream - Real Answer (Slowed) - YouTube 

(an artistic rendering of Earth, in relation to Mars)


1:24 PM (3/11/22): 

"If one assumes that life is a test, to see what is done... with the given time... then time is the means, by which success is measured..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man... to enter, the Kingdom of Heaven..." - Matthew 19:24

"The above passage also applies to a woman, given that in ancient times... language was patriarchal..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:07 PM (3/11/22):
"A tasty looking bagel, from 'Chicago Bagel Authority'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


10:42 AM (3/11/22): "Nice song, that I first encountered a number of months... ago..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Dark Red - YouTube 


10:33 AM (3/11/22): "Interesting church video... Some people need prayers..." - Michael Izuchukwu


10:16 AM (3/11/22): "Not sure why there are such delayed responses from JJ (my middle brother)... my mom said he went to bed early, last night... yet, I had texted him over 12 hours earlier... yesterday..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


5:05 PM (3/10/22):

“After six days, Jesus took Peter, James and John with Him… and led them up a high mountain, where they were all alone. There He was transfigured… before them…” – Mark 9:2

Mark 9:2-13 (The Transfiguration) - YouTube 

"I personally believe the 'Mount of Transfiguration' is important, because a cloud appeared... and a voice from such, said, 'This is my Son, whom I love... with Him and I am well pleased (Matthew 3:17)...'... Evidently, such must have been the 'voice of God, the Father'... and this is significant... given that on the day of Jesus Christ's Crucifixion, at 12 PM/noon (3 hours before Jesus Christ's death on the cross, at 3 PM... which was 9 hours after His Crucifixion began, around 6 AM)... there was 'tremendous darkness' in the sky... For all we know, this was not an eclipse... but rather a visitation from God, himself...

...credence for this is given, by the fact that while Jesus Christ was on the cross... Jesus had exclaimed (around 3 in the afternoon), 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me...? (Matthew 27:46 & Mark 15:34)'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

NOTE: "A total solar eclipse, usually lasts for a few seconds... up to 7.5 minutes... 3 hours is the equivalent of 180 minutes..." - Michael Izuchukwu


4:59 PM (3/10/22): "There is a reason, to contemplate about the implications of what one reads or hears, in order to assess their veracity/truthfulness... Over time, a series of such inquisitions... can strengthen one's degree... of discernment... particularly, in matters of the spirit..." - Michael Izuchukwu

On Jesus Christ & His Crucifixion (University City, MO - 7/4/20) - YouTube 


4:51 PM (3/10/22): "If you don't contemplate the implications of being Christ-like, on a daily basis... then you likely are not of God, in the sense you ought to be... given that Jesus Christ performs that function, in the spirit realm (having conquered His Crucifixion, some 2,000 years ago... or so)...

...The Holy Spirit is the basis for the aforementioned, and a connection to such must be found from within... given that this is the measure, by which a human is linked to Jesus Christ's divine watch... and protection... Should that 'bond' be severed, then there is credence that Jesus will recant on considering you as one... of His potential beneficiaries..." - Michael Izuchukwu


4:42 PM (3/10/22): "Jesus Christ's legal, guardian father... was Saint Joseph... and His biological mother, was the Virgin Mary Magdalene... Yet, given Saint Joseph was not Jesus' biological father... and the fact that He was born via the 'Immaculate Conception'... Jesus Christ knew that His origins were unconventional, and questioned them..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(an artistic depiction, of Saint Joseph)
(an artistic depiction, of Virgin Mary Magdalene)


Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind - YouTube


4:40 PM (3/10/22):

“Everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father… in heaven…” – Matthew 10:32-33 (according to Jesus Christ)

Jesus Walking On Water - Wherefore Didst Thou Doubt? - YouTube 


4:34 PM (3/10/22): "From my personal experience, I have realized that most people do not have genuine ambition and drive... regarding that which is truly necessary, to have tremendous spiritual fortification... and defy the natural order, of their realities... based off whatever set of circumstances, that may have been thrust upon them... from birth..." - Michael Izuchukwu

How to make hard choices | Ruth Chang - YouTube 


4:28 PM (3/10/22): "Moments ago, I was reminiscing about the implications of presuming to know things... which one does not know... Such is not only hypocritical, but disingenuous... reflective of some deficiencies in the 'character development' department... The gravity of thoughts, often is the basis... for certain actions, and the nature... of their execution..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


3:12 PM (3/10/22): "Riveting scene, from the 2015 movie 'Creed'... That year, I had seen such with a friend... over Thanksgiving break, to my recollection..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

CREED Final Fight 2015 (3/3) DopeClips - YouTube


3:07 PM (3/10/22):

"When pursuing certain ideals, some are more sensible than others... A great deal of determination is required to reach one's trajectory, when confronted by the fact... that most people do not have the answers, that one seeks..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Rush (clip1) - "People who are desperate to make a mark and are prepared to die trying." - YouTube 


3:03 PM (3/10/22): "There are some paths through spacetime, which are more ideal... than others... regarding 'regret minimalization'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Good Will Hunting | ‘The Best Part of My Day’ (HD) - Ben Affleck, Matt Damon | MIRAMAX - YouTube 


"Interesting video..." - Michael Izuchukwu

73 Questions With Kim Kardashian West (ft. Kanye West) | Vogue - YouTube 


2:21 PM (3/10/22):

"Do you serve a house, or does your house... serve you...?" - Old Chef

"Neither, Old Chef... ...when I think about your question, I do wonder... A man could spend ten to fifteen years of his life, working to amass the wealth needed... to pay off the 'home value' of a house... but then he has lost time, which is not replaceable... Thus, the statement 'time is money' is not literal... given time, is a currency... which cannot be recaptured..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

Classic Tudor Point Grey Residence | $11.5M #realestate #vancouverbc #luxury #cartiktiktok #rollsroyce


2:17 PM (3/10/22): 
"Agreed, Old Chef... I would also say that some assert, that money is the root of all evil... yet currency is needed... for many forms, of merchandise..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


2:16 PM (3/10/22):

"Some people eat to live, while others live... to eat..." - Old Chef



2:00 PM (3/10/22):

"I got a COVID-19 booster shot, not too long ago (at my dominion)... after briefly seeing what job prospects there were, in the market... I noticed that some application submissions, may not get timely responses (if at all) on but then I began to speculate, about the nature of why certain people... work in certain sectors, of the workforce... and how the demographics and psychology of such, may account for the aforementioned..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


10:02  AM (3/10/22): "A website of one of my female cousins, Niama Allen... I had cohabited at her mom's place (my Aunt Colette)... in Tuxedo Park (a neighborhood parallel to Seton Hall University), from 2012-2015 (when a Seton Hall student)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Niama Allen (

"It was just moments ago, that I texted my middle brother (JJ) a link to such... I am not expecting a reply, but I would be surprised if I receive one..." - Michael Izuchukwu


8:00 AM (3/10/22):


8:01 AM (3/10/22): "Truly wonderful, the mind of a child... is..." - Yoda


6:26 AM (3/10/22): "Some interesting pizzas, are featured in this UCLA video..." - Michael Izuchukwu


6:21 AM (3/10/22):
"First heard this song playing, in a McDonald's... of Virginia Beach, VA... in the summer of 2019..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Alessia Cara - My Kind (Official Audio) - YouTube 


6:02 AM (3/10/22):
"Interesting scene, from the 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Narsil - The Sword Reforged Clip - YouTube 


5:55 AM (3/10/22): "Interesting video, of a 9-year-old... defeating chess player, Andrea Botez..." - Michael Izuchukwu

9-Year-Old Boy Defeats A Professional Chess Streamer - YouTube 

5:57 AM (3/10/22):

(a graphics interchange format/GIF, of Alexandra Botez)


9:07 PM (3/9/22): "An article, of interest... ...some correlation between odors and health, I suppose..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Ants have the ability to sniff out cancer in humans, study reveals ( 


7:19 PM (3/9/22):

"One of my favorite songs..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Kent - 747 - YouTube 


7:12 PM (3/9/22):
"I first saw the 2003 movie 'The Core,' in the 8th grade... Quite interesting..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The Core - Dr.Keys - YouTube 


7:08 PM (3/9/22): 
"Video of a dude, being scholarly... putting in work, is required... for dream chasers..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


6:58 PM (3/9/22): 
"One of the movie trailers, I find most inspiring... Such was a favorite movie of mine, in high school..." - Michael Izuchukwu

A Beautiful Mind (2001) Official Trailer - Russell Crowe Movie HD - YouTube 


6:24 PM (3/9/22): 


"When one contemplates the implication of television watching, such is a matter of facing a screen... with flashing images (moving pictures)... Not until 9/7/27 was electric television invented... in San Francisco (nearly 95 years ago)... The process likely stemmed, from the development... of the camera..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"The following is a scene from the 2014 film 'Lucy,' in which a woman is seated in a chair (in a fashion that matches many TV viewers), but instead of watching the motion of different still-frames, on a '2-dimensional' TV screen... she witnesses the motion of different still-frames... of her '3-dimensional' world... ... via exerting an influence over the 4th dimension, of time..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The 4th Dimension - YouTube 


6:09 PM (3/9/22):

"Agreed, my Prince..." - Amara DiFrancesco



6:08 PM (3/9/22): 
"A calculator can authenticate the legitimacy, of that handwritten calculation..." - Michael Izuchukwu 



(photo from 5:50 PM)

5:41 PM (3/9/22):

"Interesting scene from the first season of the TV series 'Westworld'... I often think that my roommate's awareness level... is at best, on par with what mine was... when I was a Kindergartener, given that by first grade... I already could do basic multiplication (I was then attempting to learn how to multiply contrasting multiple-digit integers, together)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Westworld - Consciousness does not exist, Anthony Hopkins - YouTube 

"In the first grade, I might be wondering what the product of 365 and 427 (365 x 427, that is), is... in terms of how to do that, on paper..." - Michael Izuchukwu


5:32 PM (3/9/22): 

"Yesterday, I had to tell my roommate 10 times in the span of about an hour, to remember to close the room door... after he kept entering and exiting, forgetting what I had told him to do... on the prior entry... He had claimed to someone on 'his' phone, that he graduated high school in 2011... but he may have been lying, if the aforementioned is reflective... of his 'cognitive faculties'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Matilda performing mental math - YouTube


5:26 PM (3/9/22): "A song which kind of encapsulates, my present vibe..." - Michael Izuchukwu

LXST CXNTURY - ODIUM (ft. Kingpin Skinny Pimp) - YouTube


5:21 PM (3/9/22): "Indeed, Polka Woman..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

5:20 PM (3/9/22):

"The pen is mightier than the sword, indeed..." - Polka Woman


5:11 PM (3/9/22):

"Just moments ago, because I happened to be laughing at some random notions in my mind... my roommate told me to be quiet (with profanity), because he trying to sleep... I told him, 'it's basically 5 PM, so shut the fuck up... and you better be quiet as a church mouse, in the wee hours of the morning'... I also told him that he better not be on drugs, given he formerly indicated he had to attend 'Narcotics Anonymous' meetings..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(photo from 5:09 PM, today)


2:39 PM (3/9/22):
"When people exercise, their physical forms are subject to subtle, geometric variation... Such is typically reflected in weight loss, muscle definition/gain or a number of other variables..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

Stretching for Bridge Routine - YouTube


2:32 PM (3/9/22):

Pulling up to COSTCO (10:50 AM, on 3/9/22) - YouTube &

Pulling up to COSTCO (10:51 AM, on 3/9/22) - YouTube


"One of two McDonald's McChicken's... that I consumed, not too long ago..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(photo as of 12:23 PM, today)

3:25 PM (3/9/22):


1:16 PM (3/9/22): 

"Interesting triple jumping video, although an updated video... ought to be released..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Top 10 best triple jumpers of all time (men) - YouTube 

2:26 PM (3/9/22):
"Some crazy weight, physique juxtapositions:

The incredible physical transformations of Christian Bale! - YouTube


1:12 PM (3/9/22): "Muscle weighs more than fat, and based off some body types people have in sports (football, for instance)... one should realize that many variables govern, physiological dispositions..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Super Bowl LI 2017 Patriots vs Falcons Intro Ving Rhames - YouTube 


1:04 PM (3/9/22): "I filmed my reflection, when passing one of the mirrors of that establishment... Yesterday, I recollect my weight being displayed as '266.6' lbs... but based off my proportions and physique, I doubt that is accurate..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Seeing my reflection, in one of the mirrors... of a Marshall's clothing store (10:46 AM - 3/9/22)... - YouTube 


12:58 PM (3/9/22): "Went on a mini-road trip with my mom, not too long ago... I was inside a Marshall's clothing store, for some time... before heading to COSTCO, and then to McDonald's..." - Michael Izuchukwu

A look at the interior of a Marshall's clothing store (East Hanover, NJ - 10:44 AM, on 3/9/22) - YouTube

9:32 AM (3/9/22): "Indeed, Office Woman... I surmise that in terms of statistics... virus-like extraterrestrials, might seek to replicate in a manner... that involves imitation of their hosts, if not commandeering them... given that viruses typically do no replicate, on their own..." - Michael Izuchukwu


9:31 AM (3/9/22): "That's insane..." - Office Woman


9:26 AM (3/9/22): "Was just thinking about how this woman in a white dress, has the vibe of 'I just need to keep everything together'... Seconds later, I had a daydream about her being an 'evil clone'... and was reminded of the 2000 movie 'The 6th Day'... particularly, the following scene..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The 6th Day (2000) - Stolen Life Scene (2/10) | Movieclips - YouTube


10:39 AM (3/13/22): "After witnessing his clone, the 'real dude' says 'oh my god'... He probably is wondering how his wife, will know the truth (0:10-0:18)..." - Michael Izuchukwu


7:23 AM (3/9/22): "Interesting, public piano performance... on 1/12/22... from the 'Interstellar' soundtrack..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Interstellar - public piano - Waikiki Marketplace - Christine Xu - YouTube 


6:26 AM (3/9/22): "There is the question of where one would go, if one were to 'disappear'... A caterpillar flying, after having been in a cocoon for a long time... is likely a metaphor for a human being 'whisked away' by God... after having defied the nature, of spacetime... (assuming such an individual, has been guided by the Holy Spirit... for the duration of time, required for such)..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


5:52 AM (3/9/22): "If one had the biological age ('external appearance and health') of a forty-year-old at age 100 (his/her chronological age), that would definitely mean that such an individual has defied the aging progress... via 'asymptotic aging'... there is a difference between the spirit, mind and body... The spirit is of the spirit, while the brain and body... are of matter... nevertheless, the brain is the vehicle... by which the mind operates... so, an individual who achieves 'asymptotic aging'... likely is governed by the spirit, and does not think in ways that are aligned, with most people... 'of the world'..." - Michael Izuchukwu



5:42 AM (3/9/22): "I formerly thought of some concept, which I dubbed as 'atomic locking'... If one finds a way to asymptotically age... then at some point, one's atoms may behave in a way... that is unconventional... ...'atomic locking' is just a phenomenon I see as someone's atoms suddenly vibrating, collectively... at a certain frequency, and that particular individual... then disappearing..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

5:49 AM (3/9/22):
The Illusionist (2006) Opening Scene | Young Eisenheim and Sophie's Story - YouTube (0:00-1:14)


5:40 AM (3/9/22): "I woke up not too long ago, and realized there must be a pathway to heaven... for all humans, in the context of that which is 'natural'... assuming one has abided in the ways of the spirit, and perhaps sticks around long enough... to see if such, is so..." - Michael Izuchukwu

“My Kingdom is not… of this world...” – John 18:36 (according to 'Jesus Christ')

My Kingdom Is Not of This World - YouTube 


9:31 PM (3/8/22): "I have often wondered what Jesus Christ said to His remaining 11 apostles/disciples, for the 40 days He was among them... following His Resurrection... After this window, of time... He departed to heaven... Perhaps it was just a part of His nature, to impart wisdom... as opposed to calling for vengeance... ...but for all we know, that window of time was His 'Second Coming,' and for there not to be another... would imply that may be an aspect, of His vengeance..." - Michael Izuchukwu

9:34 PM (3/8/22): "Perhaps Jesus Christ said to His 11 apostles, 'they are coming, but maybe not for another two to two-and-a-half millennia (regarding 'beings' from other worlds)'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(photo of E.T., from the 1982 film 'E.T. the Extraterrestrial')

(artistic rendering of Jesus Christ)


9:21 PM (3/8/22): "Interesting plate of food (orange fruit slices, eggs and peppers)... ideally, I could have such for breakfast... one of these days..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


3:49 PM (3/8/22): "Interesting scene, from the movie 'The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)... Extraterrestrials are likely not in the likeness of humans, given they likely have different environmental influences..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The Day the Earth stood still - YouTube 


3:40 PM (3/8/22): "Interesting article, in which the organic molecule of dimethyl ether... was found, on a world that is 444 lightyears away, from ours... Such is one of the building blocks of life, aside from carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen... among other elements (for instance)... This gives credence to my aforementioned proposition, that it is a 'statistical certainty'... that we humans are 'not alone'... in the cosmos..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

Planet forming 444 light years away contains large organic molecule (


3:10 PM (3/8/22): "Personally, I believe that given it is a statistical certainty that we are not alone in the cosmos/universe... it's merely a matter of technological development and 'detection capabilities'... in order to ascertain that, as fact..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Neil DeGrasse Tyson: Search for intelligent life will likely ‘prove fertile’ - YouTube 

3:12 PM (3/8/22): "In the context of the Holy Trinity, 'God the Father' may be the 'Alien God'... and that makes sense, in the context of Jesus Christ being the intermediator between humans... and 'him'... There must be a divine reason, for such..." - Michael Izuchukwu


3:00 PM (3/8/22): "The question of where God came from, is not answerable... in the context of the Holy Trinity, in which this aforementioned is in relation to 'God the Father'... The Holy Trinity attests that God is the Son (Jesus Christ), the Father (God the Father) and the Holy Spirit (a human's link, to God... a function now performed, by Jesus Christ)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Where did God come from ? - Best answer - YouTube 

"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life... No one comes to the Father, except through me...” – John 14:6 (Jesus Christ said this, affirming that He is in fact the intermediator... between humans, and his heavenly Father)


2:52 PM (3/8/22): "I decided to go to the NJ Gourmet buffet... not too long ago, and I acquired this delicacy... as takeout..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(photo from 2:16 PM, today)



2:49 PM (3/8/22): "I weighed myself today, and was 266.6 lbs... which is a contrast from 12 days ago (on 2/24/22), in which I was 273.8 lbs... Water weight, perhaps... I initially suspected something may be off, with the 'digital calibration'..." - Michael Izuchukwu



12:17 PM (3/8/22): "As of late, I have been contemplating where I see myself... in 5 to 10 years (or where I ought to see myself, in that timeframe)... I say this in the context of having a deceased father (as of 10/8/20), a mother who is emotionally apathetic and 'relatively estranged'..., a middle brother (JJ) who I have not seen since late 2018 (4 years ago, as of this Fall... which is on the account of some of his actions and my mom's hypocrisy), and a youngest brother (Joe)... who kind of is a recluse, saying he has a 'Afro-Caribbean' girlfriend (whose picture he showed me, on his phone... when he visited me, at my former apartment complex... in October 2020)..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


10:29 AM (3/8/22): "One of my favorite videogames, in elementary school..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Body Harvest Title Music - YouTube 


10:21 AM (3/8/22): "The odds that we humans are the only 'extraterrestrial species' in the cosmos, is very slim... given that are at least 8.7 million species of plants and animals, on Earth... Yet, most of them... are never seen by humans... which is a telling sign..." - Michael Izuchukwu

District 9 - Official Trailer (HD) - YouTube


10:19 AM (3/8/22): "Interesting video, showing the Andromeda Galaxy... located about 2.53 million lightyears, away (14,851,100,000,000,000,000 miles - 14.8511 quintillion miles, away)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Gigapixels of Andromeda [4K] - YouTube 


10:55 AM (3/8/22): "Just imagine that distance...  in the context of the notion, that by the time one traveled the first 'quintillion miles'... '13' quintillion would remain, beginning with mile #1..." - Michael Izuchukwu


10:16 AM (3/8/22): "Interesting video, in which Laylan Saadaldin speaks to Dr. Rachana Bhatawdekar... about the Big Bang... and the origins, of our universe... After first watching such, I suspected their body language was interesting... as though, the former female was nervous... that she was in the presence, of a body snatcher..." - Michael Izuchukwu

ESA - European Space Agency on Instagram: “The early Universe | Meet the experts 👩‍💻 How did the Universe go from a dark and cold place after the Big Bang, to the mesmerizing cosmos…”


9:22 AM (3/8/22): "I was thinking I'd head to South Orange, NJ, to get some delicacies... I arrived at the Brick Church train station at 8:43 AM... but 10 minutes later, the 8:48 AM train to South Orange, had yet to arrive... so I left, and got the last pack of some 'Lorna Doone' cookies... that was shelved at Walgreens, instead..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

(photo from 9:25 AM, today)


8:25 AM (3/8/22): "For the second morning in-a-row, when I went to Shop Rite... there were no oranges (yesterday, I managed to get the last one that was present)... It pisses me off, when the staff don't do their jobs... and ensure their food shelves, are not empty... ...I got a Pepsi bottle, instead..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(photo from 8:18 AM, today)



6:48 AM (3/8/22): "Interesting article, regarding the companies of McDonald's and Pepsi... in Russia..." - Michael Izuchukwu

McDonald's and Pepsi still open for business in Russia ( 


6:13 AM (3/8/22): "An interesting video, featuring H.P. Lovecraft... who wrote a number of horror novels, to my recollection..." - Michael Izuchukwu



6:11 AM (3/8/22): "The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind... to correlate all its contents..." - H.P. Lovecraft 


6:07 AM (3/8/22): "Peaceful and soothing song, that I have listened to occasionally..." - Michael Izuchukwu

SZA - Good Days (Audio) - YouTube  


6:03 AM (3/8/22): "Unpleasant article, about the highest gas prices... in U.S. history..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Gas prices are now the most expensive in US history, breaking record from 2008 ( 


5:59 AM (3/8/22): "Another day of 'a dude' cooking eggs and sausage, in his apartment... Ideally, I would fix such for myself at least 2-3 times a week... but at my dominion, I don't have stove or oven access, and the staff typically serve some scrambled eggs (accompanied by a sausage patty)... just on Sundays..." - Michael Izuchukwu


5:57 AM (3/8/22): "I ate 2 of 3 hotdogs that were served at my dominion, yesterday... They were in a condition that was not up to par with what is standard, so I found such distasteful..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


5:56 AM (3/8/22): "Interesting video, of people walking around Chicago, Illinois..." - Michael Izuchukwu

As I’m sure you’ve heard, it is 66 degrees and shining in Chicago, and I am here for it. #chicago #chicagotok #fyp ( 


5:28 AM (3/8/22): "I chilled/rested for pretty much, all of yesterday... A hiatus from blogging, one could say... I was able to self-reflect, in that time..." - Michael Izuchukwu
